Grant Agreement #828890   //   Call: H2020-FETOPEN 2018-2019-2020-01

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


The institute is formed by five sites spread along Italy in which are carried out researches on innovative devices nanofabrication and characterisation, development and characterization of materials for photonics, electronics and optoelectronics, ultrafast photonics from X-ray to Mid-Infrared, design and realization of optical systems for scientific and industrial applications. The IFN team is distributed between Milan (Physics Department of the Politecnico and in LNESS laboratory). Its main mission is to promote and coordinate research on the growth, characterization and industrial applications of epitaxial semiconductors materials and nanometric structures, with particular attention to the compatibility with CMOS technology. Moreover, they have also great competences in material science and in optical system and they also contribute to the assembling of the final prototypes both for photonic and microfluidic devices.


The Institute has its headquarters in Catania and the activities span from material science and process development to device fabrication and system integration. In NARCISO project, the research activities are focused on transmission electron microscopy analyses.

Contributing Persons:

  • PI: Dr.Monica Bollani
  • Dr. Alexey Fedorov
  • Dr. Enrico Prati
  • Dr. Giuseppe Nicotra
  • Prof. Stefano Sanguinetti
  • Dr. Erfan Mafakheri
  • Dr. Chiara Barri
  • Dr. Luca Fagiani
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Monica Bollani
Dr. Monica Bollani
Dr. Alexey Fedorov
Dr. Enrico Prati
Dr. Giuseppe Nicotra
Prof. Stefano Sanguinetti
Erfan Mafakheri
Dr. Erfan Mafakheri
Chiara Barri
Dr. Chiara Barri
Luca Fagiani
Dr. Luca Fagiani