Grant Agreement #828890   //   Call: H2020-FETOPEN 2018-2019-2020-01


NARCISO Deliverable D6.5

Deliverable D6.5 – V1.0


Work Package: WP6

Ref: Ares(2020)1157512 - 24/02/2020


Deliverable D6.6 – V1.0


Work Package: WP6

Ref: Ares(2021)5374517 - 31/08/2021

White paper 2

Deliverable D2.5– V2.0

Title: Assessment of the optical properties of SiGe ordered and spinodal dewetted structures

Work Package: WP2

Ref: Ares(2020)2596638 - 18/05/2020

Assessment of the optical properties of SiGe ordered and spinodal dewetted structures

Deliverable D3.3– V1.0

Title: Assessment of optical control of MOx wafers

Work Package: WP3

Ref: Ares(2021)4718588 - 22/07/2021

Assessment of optical control of MOx wafers

Deliverable D3.4 –V 0.2

Title: Definition of a roadmap for the scalability of the structures within the NIL process

Work Package: WP3

Ref: Ares(2020)2554606 - 14/05/2020

Definition of a roadmap for the scalability of the structures within the NIL process

Deliverable D2.1– V1.0

Title: Management Guidelines: financial management and quality procedures

Work Package: WP2

Ref: Ares(2020)7123068 - 26/11/2020

Management Guidelines_ financial management and quality procedures

Deliverable D5.1– V1.0

Title: Parameterization of flow properties dependence on medium structure

Work Package: WP4

Ref: Ares(2021)1517357 - 26/02/2021

Parameterization of flow properties dependence on medium structure

Deliverable D6.4– V1.0

Title: Public workshop

Work Package: WP6

Ref: Ares(2021)5374484 - 31/08/2021

Public workshop

Deliverable D1.3 – V1.0

Title: Report on characterizations of the assisted dewetting materials

Work Package: WP1

Ref: Ares(2021)4721811 - 22/07/2021

Report on characterizations of the assisted dewetting materials

Deliverable D.3.2

Title: Spectroscopy characterization of hierarchical porosity of the MOx patterned surfaces

Work Package: WP3

Ref: Ares(2021)3471367 - 26/05/2021

Spectroscopy characterization of hierarchical porosity of the MOx patterned surfaces