New publication

By Monica Bollani

Nicoletta Granchi, Luca Fagiani, Marco Salvalaglio, Chiara Barri, Andrea Ristori, Michele Montanari, Massimo Gurioli, Marco Abbarchi, Axel Voigt, Maria Antonietta Vincenti, Francesca Intonti, and Monica Bollani “Engineering and detection of light scattering directionalities in dewetted…

Latest publications

By Monica Bollani

Two new publications have been released recently. You can find the full list of the publications of the Narciso project in the dedicated page Jorge A. Garcia, Calin Hrelescu, Xia Zhang, David Grosso, Marco Abbarchi,…

An award at MNE2022

By Monica Bollani

MNE EUROSENSORS 2022, 19-23 September, Leuven, Belgium Chiara Barri has won the Best Poster Presentation award at MNE2022, with her poster titled “Solid-state dewetting and nano imprint lithography: a low-cost technique to pattern large surface…

European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM

By Monica Bollani

  12 – 16 September 2022, Porto, Portugal Three contributions have been brought to this meeting: Dark-field scanning Hyperspectral imaging of SiGe dewetted Mie resonatorAuthor(s): Fagiani, Luca; Granchi, Nicoletta; Salvalaglio, Marco; Barri, Chiara; Ristori, Andrea; Montanari,…