The scientific interests of the Nanophotonics group members are focused on semiconductor based nanostructrures and photonic nanocavities within the following research areas: (i) quantum emitters from quantum dots or defects in semiconductors, (ii) micro-nanophotonics and optoelectronics either based on silicon or III-V semiconductors, (iii) light localization in dielectric random systems, (iv) near field and time resolved spectroscopy. The Nanophotonic group has developed for several years a strong expertise on controlling photonic devices on silicon and III-V semiconductors with several breakthroughs on mode imaging and on the time resolved dynamics of excitons and carriers.
Contributing Persons:
- Responsible: Prof. Francesca Intonti
- Prof. Anna Vinattieri
- Prof. Massimo Gurioli
- Prof. Francesco Biccari
- Dr. Nicoletta Granchi